Hereford Cathedral School

We don’t always get the chance to do a comprehensive transformation of a client’s identity but in this case we did. The project encompassed a substantial update to the HCS visual identity, the development of a narrative that communicates the distinct selling points of the school and a compelling new website. 

We conducted a deep dive into the character of the school as well as a comprehensive assessment of the local market. The school leadership was clear in their vision for the future of the school so at the heart of our role was telling the story in a clear, compelling and cohesive way.

Hereford Cathedral School

What we did

Narrative development, copywriting, visual identity, web design and development.



Thank you so much for your congratulations and again for all the hard work you and your team have put into our new website. We’re absolutely thrilled with it and have heard nothing but praise from colleagues and now parents too!

Laura Yates, Director of Marketing & Communications